Many companies around the world adopt Agile methodology, but few have been successful because it is not just a tool or process change, but a paradigm shift that changes the mindset of executives and employees. In particular, managers and middle managers who are familiar with traditional methods can feel a great deal of rejection from the Agile philosophy. Nevertheless, we have prepared for companies and organizations that want to flexibly respond to rapid market changes and introduce Agile to increase their organizational productivity. With two series of contents, we will learn how to introduce enterprise-wide Agile and how to form a high-performance team!
[Preview of the series]
① Companywide Agile: Sequential Methods for Successful Deployment (→ We're Here Now!)
② High Performance Team: Action Guide for Team Spirit Formation
Questions for the introduction of the transcription of the Agile methodology
⁕ How long does it take for the agile methodology within the organization to settle?
: It depends on the size of the organization, but it can take about two years.
⁕ Do I have to apply Agile to all projects just because I'm starting Agile companywide?
: No, you don't have to apply Agile to all departments unconditionally. Agile may not be appropriate for organizations that have a lot of repetitive tasks or regulations. You can identify organizations that need Agile first and then deploy them where they fit.
⁕ In the absence of agile professionals in the enterprise, what is the solution?
: You can use specialized courses in Agile Education for companies. Overseas, Agile Consulting, which is assisted by external experts, is very active. In Korea, you can use various Agile training courses provided by PLATEER, and you can request Plateer to request customized training and coaching.
3 Ways to Introduce Companywide Agile
Lee Jae-wang, CEO consultant of Agile Society, explains the company-wide Agile application methods in three categories through the book "Agile & Scrum Project Management". Since each method has advantages and disadvantages, it is recommended to choose the appropriate method according to the characteristics of the company.
[1] Bottom Up Method
A team that has experience in agile or is interested in agile first applies it and then gradually spreads it to the organization. If there are many employees who do not know the characteristics of the agile methodology, it is recommended that a team (or department) start agile first to improve their understanding of agile. For example, the development team introduces agile first and then shares the process and results throughout the company.
[2] Top down method
It is a method in which management and managers are at the center and spread to the organization. It is a method in which leaders of the organization, such as executives, department heads, and team leaders, receive Agile education and coaching first and then apply it to teams and organizations. It can spread quickly in that it can start as soon as the leader-level training is over. However, depending on the level of understanding of the leader, there may be a difference in Agile performance, and team members may protest against Agile.
[3] Hybrid method
The bottom-up and top-down methods can be properly combined. It is a way to educate the entire organization on the Agile methodology, and among them, to introduce a team interested in Agile first and expand it to a company. Training can be time-consuming and expensive, and spreading can also take a lot of time. However, because it is based on the voluntary will of executives and employees, it is more likely to succeed in introducing Agile.
Proposed Roadmap for Agile Introduction
Assuming that Agile is applied in a hybrid manner, the following roadmaps are available. The duration of each step below may vary depending on the size, operational status, technical infrastructure, and so on.
Stage |
Period |
things to do |
Prepare |
1~2 months |
It educates the concept of agile throughout the company.
⁕ Agile workshop for management ⁕ Agile concept training for all employees ⁕ Diagnosis of current processes and planning of application of agile
Assess & align |
2~4 months |
Determine the pilot team and coverage.
⁕ Evaluate the current organization's processes, technical readiness ⁕ Prepare Agile Tools (Jira, Confluence, etc.) ⁕ Develop Agile strategies based on the characteristics of each department ⁕ Selection of the pilot team
Transformation |
3~6 months |
The demonstration team actually runs the Agile.
⁕ Pilot team Agile operations and feedback collection ⁕ Apply Agile Coaching ⁕ Measure the performance of the pilot team
Scale |
6 months to a year |
Apply Agile customized to each department and team.
⁕ Apply Agile Method to the Entire Organization ⁕ Establish Agile Framework (Standardized Guide) ⁕ Continuous monitoring and reflection of improvements
In the following content, we will show you how to form an Agile High-Performance Team with a high level of performance, efficiency, and autonomy based on Agile principles and philosophy.
Next Content - Scheduled to be released on October 24 (Thursday)

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